Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Still Going Strong....

As of today, I've lost 11.2 lbs - which is awesome to me - but even greater is the fact that I'm still going strong. Since last week, I've walked with my kids to school whenever I was taking them - well, except for yesterday because I had to be back to watch the innaguration. I'm really proud of myself, I honestly feel like I've turned a corner - which every time I say that it comes back to bite me in the ass so I am working hard to make sure that this is a true change in my life.

I have an appointment at Curves today. I've wanted to join some sort of gym for awhile. I don't know that Curves is for me but we'll until next time...cheers!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hoofin' it all the way...

So, I set a goal this week to walk my kids to school anytime I was the one taking them and as long as it wasn't pouring rain...So far this week I've taken them every day (with the exception of one pick-up trip) and haven't used my car yet! Now, for full disclosure, it is 5 blocks to my son's school and 4 blocks to my daughters...but with trips both ways, I end up walking about 70 minutes every day when I do all the trips which is pretty good for me...obviously I walk a little slow at this point, but I'm walking...

I found a great resource on-line its: Its completely free and has a weight tracker, activity log, even free menu plans if you want. I love things like that, I like to go to my computer each morning and log in my weight, keep track of how much I've walked, etc. I really like it. This morning I was down to 255....

Monday, January 12, 2009

One Week Down...

So, I've made it one week and what a week it was...flooded basement, trip to the hospital with my husband, car broken into...and still lost 7.5 pounds and I completely stuck to my food plan. My goal for the week is to walk my kids to school, whenever it is physically possible. Meaning, if I am not doing something else like working at Mosaic or it is not pouring down rain, I'm going to walk them - at least that is the goal...

One thing about our car being broken into is that it has forced me to walk them to two different schools, both ways today - that's a lot of steps...I need to find my pedometer....

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day two and counting....

So, I was down this morning to 263.9 so that's 1/2 a pound - which is great! I actually feel really good this morning. I guess actually eating vegetables, lean meats and drinking water instead of diet soda agrees with me. I haven't had any sugar since Sunday night (other than a little Cool Whip on some SF pudding) and I feel great about cravings really - all is well...

Monday, January 5, 2009

Good to see you....

Yes, I am back after almost a year of debauchery....I am fatter than I've ever been. I weighed 264.4 this morning and I feel so depressed about it on one had and motivated to change on the other. I know its cliche to start a diet at New Year's but I'm doing it anyway....I really need my life to be different, I need more energy - I need to feel different and look here's to needs to be different....