Thursday, July 19, 2007

7,000 Steps...I think

So, I had another good day yesterday. It was my first day working at MO since starting this so that was a big chocolate chip cookie, no cherry soda...but, I did make some killer whipped cream (5 squirts vanilla, 2 almond, 2 toasted marshmallow) it was so good...I made myself a non-fat mocha with some whip on it. That is what I love about WW, if I've saved some points on a day like yesterday, I can have a treat like that. I was still down to 245 this morning...

I was wearing my pedometer all day too and my goal was 4000 steps as I mentioned previously. Well, I think I made over pedometer doesnt' have a cover over the reset button, partway through my shift at MO, I looked at it and was up to 4500...then right before I left, I looked at it again and it was 2000! So, aparently, at some point I leaned up against the counter or something and reset it! I was so frustrated. But I still feel like its safe to say I made it to 7000 or so...its a fun way to make sure I'm actually moving each day. It would be so easy for me to sit in a chair most of the day, cross stitching, etc (except for the two kids who demand that I get up and feed them), so this keeps me goal for today is 5000 since I'm not working at MO...we'll see.


Anonymous said...

I too enjoy counting the steps. I think anytime we can be aware of what we are doing pysically it will help to motivate. Now there is a contest to see who has the most steps!

Working at Mo helps...


Anonymous said...

Can I please tell you how much I love the 100 calorie pack? What a concept...except I want to eat the whole box.

Oh minute, hour, day at a time!